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Discover the Anti-Aging Power of Dental Implants

April 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Erin Page @ 6:23 pm

Portrait of attractive middle-aged woman with dental implantsFor most people, their anti-aging regimen includes things like exercise, a balanced diet, and a good skincare routine. However, your smile also has a lot to do with how old people perceive you as being. Missing teeth can make you appear significantly older than you are. While traditional tooth replacement, such as bridges and dentures, can improve your smile, their anti-aging power falls short of that of dental implants. Let’s talk about why the answer to the question, “Do dental implants make you look younger?” is a resounding yes!

Dental Implants Preserve Your Facial Shape

To an extent, dentures and bridges can preserve your facial shape by filling out your cheeks and preventing a sunken appearance. However, they cannot prevent another threat to your face’s shape: bone loss in the jaw. When the natural teeth are removed, they are no longer present to stimulate the surrounding bone. As a result, the body begins to resorb the jaw, causing it to become smaller and weaker over time. Eventually, this issue can progress to the point where it significantly affects the way the face looks.

Dental implants prevent bone loss. They act as prosthetic tooth roots, meaning that they provide the stimulation the jawbone needs to stay healthy and whole. You can therefore expect your face to maintain its youthful shape for many years to come.

Dental Implants Look Incredibly Natural

You have probably seen people with conventional dentures and immediately knew that their teeth were not natural. You may have noticed their prosthetic slipping out of place, or perhaps its color seemed a little off. Whatever the case, it might have been easy to assume that the person was up in years.

Dental implants are different from traditional tooth replacement in that they look virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. The restorations on top of them are made out of high-quality materials, and they are carefully custom-designed for each patient. Plus, because they are anchored in the jawbone, they will not slip out of place.

Dental Implants Lower the Risk of Future Tooth Loss

Sadly, tooth loss is often followed by further tooth loss. This can happen because the teeth serve as placeholders for one another. When a tooth is no longer present, other teeth may drift out of place. If a bottom tooth goes missing, the one directly above it might even over-erupt to the point where it is no longer functional and must be extracted. Dental implants fill in the gaps in your smile and help all of your teeth to stay right where they belong, allowing you to look as young as possible for as long as possible.

There is nothing wrong with growing older — but that is no reason to allow tooth loss to take away from your natural beauty and youthful spirit. Dental implants can help you turn back the clock on your smile!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Erin Page works to provide a range of general dentistry services to the Schenectady community, including dental implant placement and restoration. If you are curious about your options for rebuilding your smile, call our team at 518-374-0317. We look forward to speaking with you!

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